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Great interview questions to ask an employer

Women in an interview

Two women in an interview

Are you looking to apply for your first job? Or perhaps you’re looking to take a step up in your career? You’ve landed an interview but want to make sure you stand out from other candidates and make a memorable impression. But how can you do that best?

By asking questions to show your interest.

Asking questions in a job interview shows the interviewer you’ve put a lot of thought into the position and the company. It tells them you take your career and their business seriously.

Remember, the interview process isn’t just for the employer to decide if you’re the right person for them. It’s also an opportunity for you to scope out whether or not the job and company is the right fit for you.

To figure out if it’s a company you’d like to be a part of, you’ll need to ask questions during your interview. You can ask questions across a range of categories from asking about the position and the company to asking questions about the team and culture you’ll be working in.

 Not sure on what to ask? We have put together a list of key questions to get you thinking. Keep in mind, lots of these points may be covered before you get the chance to ask questions.

 This list will just help you to prepare for when your interviewer asks you at the end if you have any questions.

Ask interview questions about the job

What does a typical day working in this role look like?

This question shows the employer that you’re interested in the role and your duties within the role. It also gives you a better idea of what’s involved in the job on a day to day basis. Which will help you to determine if the position is a right fit for you.

Are there opportunities for growth within this role?

Asking a question like this shows your employer that you’re ambitious and want to grow. Employers want staff who are motivated and hard working. The answer to this question will also help you determine whether or not you want to take the job. 

If there’s no opportunities for growth, you may decide that the position isn’t right for you.

Ask about the company

What’s your favourite thing about working here?

This is a good question to ask because the employer’s expression and the way they answer this question will tell you a lot about what it’s really like to work there. 

If they struggle to think of something then that’s clearly not a good sign. But if they struggle to come up with an answer because there’s too many things they love about working there and can’t pinpoint a favourite, then that’s obviously a great sign.

Has the company changed much since you joined and how so?

Asking this question will help you to determine the nature in which the company is progressing. You want to work for a company who is progressing and changing with the times. The answer of your interviewer will help you to understand how quickly or slowly the company is progressing.

Ask about the interviewer

How long have you been working here for?

This shows the interviewer you’re also interested in getting to know a bit about them. Their answer could also help you to determine if it’s a good company to work for.

Has your role changed since you started working here?

Their answer to this question can help you to grasp whether or not people move up the ladder within the company and how quickly. It’ll also show the employer you’re looking for a position where you can grow.

Ask about the team

Who will I be working closely with?

Showing you’re interested in your potential colleagues, tells the interviewer you’re a team player and enjoy working with others.

Who will I be directly reporting to?

This’ll give you an idea who it is you’ll be reporting to in your role. It may be a similar system to previous roles you’ve worked in, or it could be completely different. Either way it’ll prepare you for what’s to be expected of you should you win the job.

Group discussing work

Ask about the culture

Are there any office traditions?

Office traditions are a big part of team culture. Asking this question will show your employer that you’re a team player and enjoy getting involved in office activities. It’ll also help you better understand the type of working environment you could be entering.

What was the last team event you did together?

This shows you’re interested in the team culture and that you enjoy team events. It’ll also tell the employer that you’re probably a people person. Asking this question will also give you some insight into the types of events the company runs for their staff.

Ask about the next steps

Is there anything else you would like to ask me?

Being confident is important and this shows the interviewer you’re sure of yourself and prepared to answer any further questions that they have. While also giving them the opportunity to have a think about if they have covered everything they intended to in the interview.

What will be the next steps going forward?

Asking this question shows the interviewer you’re forward thinking and you want to know the processes moving forward. Their answer will also give you a time frame of knowing when it is you should hear back about the interview.

Any Questions sign

Useful tips to nail your interview

  • Confidence is key. Employers appreciate interviewees asking questions, so be confident when asking them.
  • Keep your questions short and direct.
  • Make sure your questions are thoughtful and open-ended to encourage flow of conversation.
  • Try to stick to around 3 questions when asked if you have anything you would like to ask at the end of the interview. If the interviewer doesn’t seem to be in a rush, then you might feel it’s okay to ask a couple more.

Moving forward

If you would like to learn more about how you can develop the tools to better yourself and your career in 2021, get in touch today on 1300 738 955 or visit Monarch’s courses to learn what is on offer.

Any questions? Ask away!