Do you like the idea of being disruptive?
Last month Monarch Institute sent staff member Alex Czarny along to the “To Be Disrupted’ event hosted by The Supply Chain and Logistics Association (SCLAA) in partnership with RMIT University, to develop and present a solution on two current issues in our society.
Teams worked together under the guidance of expert facilitators to see which ideas were most disruptive, feasible and viable with the winners receiving a cash prize involved and an opportunity to progress the winning ideas further.
Alex’s idea of creating a social enterprise that provided a revenue stream for non-profit organisations as well as minimising e-wastage won runner-up on the event, and further highlighted the evidence that disruption in supply chain and logistics is becoming more common, and more necessary.
What’s an ideathon?
Ideathons are brainstorming events. They offer the opportunity for businesses to harness the collective knowledge, experience, and creativity of a group of senior leaders to solve one a challenge. Who goes? Anyone. Students, logisticians, professionals, developers, and anyone who likes to challenge the status quo.
The problem
Waste: Every year Australia sends 500,000 tonnes of recycling waste to China. With China’s recent ban on mixed recycling imports, Australia is presented an immediate issue to be dealt with nationally, and at the same time, presents a huge opportunity to dramatically develop the way Victoria manages the waste supply chain.
The Pitch!
Alex’s idea focussed on creating a social enterprise that provides a revenue stream for non-profit organisations as well as minimising e-wastage.
This would be implemented through a few steps:
A pick up or drop off service whereby three options would be provided:
- Large electronics are collected by an organisation such as the salvation army;
- Drop boxes for small and medium sized electronics at their stores;
- A postal service where small electronics are sent through to central location such as the business address.
From here, products arrive at a central warehouse where they are segregated based on brands e.g Apple products are separated from Samsung products etc. The brands are charged a price per unit while being notified of the number of units for their own marketing purposes. Profits are shared with the Salvation Army.
The e-waste would be disassembled with rare earth elements, salvaged, and resold.
This plan would not only be beneficial for the environment but benefit the community and other not for profit enterprises.
What now?
Alex plans to continue working on his plan to further develop the idea. In the meantime, you’ll find him scouring for other Ideathons to attend, and more pitches to tackle.