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What Types of Jobs are in Logistics?

When most people think of logistics, they think of truckies and warehouse labourers. That’s fair enough. After all, heavy vehicle drivers are an incredibly visible part of our everyday lives. According to government stats, there are 204,300 truck drivers in Australia. There are 39,800 couriers, 23,500 delivery drivers, 22,900 despatch clerks, 20,500 forklift drivers, and many more clerks and managers. Chances are, if you don’t know someone who works in transport and warehousing, you’re only one degree away from someone who does.

Employment in the logistics sector as a whole is set to grow by up to 15% in the years up to 2026. But the jobs that are coming through aren’t what you might expect. In fact, there are some jobs that may not exist in ten years’ time.

On the flip side, there are exciting new jobs and new specialisations coming through.

Sourcing and procurement positions

This includes the area of sustainability, especially in the field of energy. The dependence on turbine technology will increase and with the main manufacturers in Germany, the US, Spain and China, the importation and transportation and operation require well trained logisticians to plan, manage and operate this technology. Alternative energy sources including wave action, solar and others will add jobs to the import and procurement field.

Logistics technology

Blockchain, artificial intelligence technology and robotics will require a more technology savvy logistics people to manage the implementation and operation of these technologies.

The co-ordination and operation of driverless vehicles across road and rail transport systems for both passenger and freight. This includes cars, trucks, buses, trains, trams, forklift vehicles, loading and unloading equipment for stevedoring activities. Victoria International Container Terminal (VICT) is an operating business that reflects the future. They have a capacity 2.2 million containers per year with a staff of approx.50, where their competitors have the same capacity with a staff of approx. 500.

Railway systems for passenger transport is developing plans for automated trains with glass barrier systems on platforms. The idea is that a driverless train will come into a station and stop exactly where required. The train computer, through WiFi connection, will communicate with glass barrier computer to open the glass barrier, doors open and then passengers alight and then train doors close, barriers close and train departs. It is envisaged the operational aspect will be done by a small number of people in a control room, operating remotely by CCTV with a joystick and console. The planning will be done by highly trained people that interact with artificial intelligence.

Businesses like BESTRANE here in Melbourne operate technologies such as MOBILEDOCK and other technology-based tools to streamline the communication and planning of last mile deliveries.

Sea freight

In sea freight transport, there is a movement toward greater energy efficiency. Ship operation will be a combination of diesel, battery and wind sails. Captaining and operating ships will require a different skill set than what is available today.

Humanitarian logistics

Humanitarian logistics is going to play a major role moving forward as the world deals with man-made and natural disasters. Global warming is already leading to major flooding events in smaller island nations. These people will need to be supported with food, living and building materials and probable and eventual rescue and evacuation.

Defence logistics

Logistics jobs in defence offer unique challenges in fields such as design, procurement and transport. One Monarch Institute student is doing a defence department traineeship and has been involved in sourcing and purchasing rapid fire cannons for Australian warships, which is a unique operation.

With so many changes in the wider logistics sector, it’s easy to get confused about where to start studying or progressing your career. The Diploma of Logistics is a great step in the right direction. With a strong foundation in logistics principles, problem solving, decision-making and safety, there’s a reason the Diploma is the qualification of choice for an increasing number of current and future logisticians.
Monarch Institute is a great choice for your Diploma of Logistics studies, especially if you’re an independent learner. It’s a 100% online course, so you have total flexibility about when and where you study. At the same time, you’re fully supported by industry veteran trainers like Peter Burns. Check out the course page and request an information pack today.

Sources: Jobs and Skills Australia 2024

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